May 15, 2016, the Fleece to Throw Competition was held at the Art of the Peace ArtFest Symposium, Camp Tamarack. The above picture shows the Fried Fibre Fanatics from Lake Saskatoon: Mae, Marion, Lorraine, Chanelle, Lynn and Shannon.
And the winner of the competition is the Wild Woolly Wonders of Fort St. John: Kathy, Rene, Mary, Norma and Cheryl (missing from picture.) Both teams reported having much fun and it was a good community outreach for PCSW. Kathy did a great job as the greeter and Public Relations person for PCSW for this event.
The prize ribbons, red and blue, were woven by the late George Henn of Beaverlodge and we were happy to use them and remember George.
Rene, Jill and Melinda, Jill's daughter, traveled to Shetland for Shetland Wool Week in September. They gave a short talk about their trip that included travels to Ireland and Scotland, to the North Peace Spinners and Weavers at our October meeting.
This is Rene's sample of knitting from a workshop at Shetland Wool Week, knitting with the colours of Shetland.
Participants of Wool Week were given a hat pattern and encouraged to make it and wear it to the conference. This is Rene's hand spun and knit hat. Jill is wearing her hat in the picture above.
This is Jill's husband's new Shetland sweater.
One of Jill's socks knit from wool purchased in a supermarket south of Belfast.
I met Elaine (above) and Rosalie at the Juan de Fuca Seniors' Centre craft sale in early November in Victoria, BC. I love seeing other weavers' work and we had a great chat. Weavers always have so much to talk about.
Peace Country Spinners' and Weavers' activities:
- January 7, 2017 Celebrate Distaff Day with the North Peace Spinners & Weavers at the North Peace Museum, Fort St. John. 1:00-4:00. Bring your own spinning wheel, equipment and fleece. Spinners are welcome to dress in Medieval style or other costumes or not. Or just come and watch.
- April 22, 2017 PCSW Spring Conference. Kiwanis Performing Arts Center 10401 10th St., Dawson Creek. 9:00-5:00. Please register early to receive warp specifications and drafts to prewarp the loom and weave the first sample. This will be a Round Robin style weaving experience. Also, Fibre Share participants will bring finished pieces and do a presentation of their experience. Member: $45. Non member: $60. See registration details in the December newsletter. Registrations are to be sent to the Treasurer.
- Fall 2017 workshop - Fort St. John.
- Remember to find Peace Country Spinners and Weavers on Facebook.
- For more information contact
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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