As seen on a recent visit to Leola's Studio at
Whippletree Junction, Duncan BC
Anne (from Victoria) and I sat beside each other and each wove on a section of the Community Tapestry at Leola's Studio. What fun! What great experience for me!
Leola's work started at an Archie Brennan workshop.
Leola's family in tapestry, again inspired by an Archie Brennan workshop.
The beginning of a shawl called Forest, woven by Leola on the theme Tree, for the Ladysmith Waterfront Gallery Exhibition. You can see the finished shawl on Leola's Face Book page.
Very fine weaving of linen and cottolin woven by one of Leola's customers. Leola's Studio features many dressed looms and you can walk into her studio and weave something over a few days. Lots of visitors to the area come and weave at the Studio.
Items for sale at Leola's Studio.
Leola, spinning for weft for the green shawl project.
Nests of fabric, yarn and fleece for rug hooking or other craft projects.
Viking weaving made by Garrie Fleet and Marg Foden, Cobble Hill, BC
(formerly of Grimshaw, AB)
This is woven silver or copper, some incorporating beads.
Some of these items are for sale at one of the stores at Whippletree Junction.
- April 16, 2016 Hines Creek, one day Peace Country Spinners' and Weavers' conference.
- September 10, 11, 12, 2016 Lake Saskatoon, Peace Country Spinners' and Weavers' workshop, Saori Weaving. Registration form will be available in the next issue of Threads Along the Peace.
- Remember to find Peace Country Spinners and Weavers on Face Book and become a friend.
- For more information contact
Happy Spinning and Weaving!
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