Wednesday, January 4, 2017

January 2017

The above article is from the December issue of the Peace Country Spinners' and Weavers' newsletter Threads Along the Peace available upon membership. 

Some pin cushions made by the North Peace Spinners and Weavers and sent to our sister guild in Wales this Christmas.


Peace Country Spinners and Weavers activities:

  •  January 7, 2017 Celebrate Distaff Day with the North Peace Spinners and Weavers at the North Peace Museum, Fort St. John. 1:00-4:00.  Bring your own spinning wheel, equipment and fleece.  Spinners are welcome to dress in Medieval style or other costumes or not.  Or just come and watch.
  • April 22, 2017 PCSW Spring Conference. Kiwanis Performing Arts Center 10401 10th St., Dawson Creek. 9:00-5:00. Please register early to receive warp specifications and drafts to prewarp the loom and weave the first sample. This will be a Round Robin style weaving experience. Also, Fibre Share participants will bring finished pieces and do a presentation of their experience.  Member: $45. Non member: $60.  See registration details in the December newsletter.  Registrations are to be sent to the Treasurer.
  • Fall 2017 workshop - Fort St. John.
  • Remember to find Peace Country Spinners and Weavers on Facebook. 
  • For more information contact

Happy Spinning and Weaving! Happy New Year!