Another colour choice for our red striped warp, first seen in the January blog post, woven by Linda of North Peace Spinners and Weavers. This is Linda's very first weaving. She is loving the weaving and doing such a good job! We are so proud of her work.
Rene's tapestry. "I was inspired by the glorious
colours in fall as I walked through the woods."
Rene's spindle bag is made by Spry Whimsy Fiber Arts - Peter and Ingrid McMasters - Stoughton WI
see for tapestry gallery of Barbara Burns-many faces. Miniature tapestries and more of this artist from Quebec, inspirational for those who like small projects.
- February 19-21 Staycation Retreat, Artspost, Fort St. John, day retreat, bring your own projects to work on, no host Friday morning museum visit. contact Karla.
- April 16, 2016 Hines Creek, one day Peace Country Spinners' and Weavers' conference.
- September 10, 11, 12, 2016 Lake Saskatoon, Peace Country Spinners' and Weavers' workshop, Saori Weaving.
- Remember to find Peace Country Spinners and Weavers on Face Book and become a friend. For more information contact
Happy Spinning and Weaving!