Peace Country Spinners' and Weavers' Fall Conference in Fort St. John in September had an informal Show and Tell, a usual event when we gather together and share stories of some of our finished projects.
The flowers were made by members of the North Peace Spinners and Weavers in Fort St. John as a fund raising project. The flowers were to be made with crocheted or knit handspun, felt, or woven fabric. Needle felting is apparent in some of the flowers.
This is Shannon's table runner that she forgot to show at the Conference.
This is Mary's baby sweater for her great niece.
Carolyn brought her lovely sweater to show, just finished after many years in progress. It is not handspun but it is beautiful.
This is Faye's tapestry of her dream of flying.
This is Faye's interpretation in tapestry of Bill Hibberd's self portrait.
This is pin weaving gone mad. Felted in the washing machine and then cut and manipulated to decorate Faye's hat. I had been knitting odds and ends of wool and felting them to cut and sew onto my hats. This Spring I started pin weaving and it is so much fun, weaving various colours together. It is almost addictive.
Shannon had attended a hat making workshop in Grande Prairie in 2012 and after seeing her hat decorated with bits of felt and yarn I went home and have been decorating my hats with felted sculptures ever since.
This is Faye's commission to make Newfoundland mitts. I had plyed the dark brown yarn and when the mitts were washed they expanded in width and were too big. So I started again, dyeing 2 ply yarn charcoal grey and knitting finer mitts and following the pattern exactly. The client is very happy. I forgot to take a picture of them. (:
Peace Country Spinners and Weavers activities:
- April 16, 2016 Hines Creek, one day conference.
- September 10, 11, 12, 2016 Lake Saskatoon, Saori Weaving.
- December 5, 2015 North Peace Spinners' and Weavers' Christmas sale with the Potters' Guild and Arts Council Reuse Recycle Christmas Decoration Sale, at Artspost, 10320 94th Ave., Fort St. John.
- Remember to find Peace Country Spinners and Weavers on Face Book and become a friend.
- For more information contact