September 16
- 20, 2015
Blueberry Bible Camp - Prespatou Rd.
Fort St. John, BC
5 day Retreat style - Sept. 16-20
For those taking in the full 5 days -
Elaine will give 2 days of direct instruction followed by 3 days of mentorship
while participants work on projects.
2 Day option - September 19-20
Elaine will offer 2 days of Instruction to
these participants while continuing to mentor the 5 day participants.
Description of the Workshop:
This tapestry workshop is
primarily directed at those wishing to learn to weave tapestry, but also those
who have woven tapestry but need a refresher course. We will warp the
looms, and proceed to work through a sampler of tapestry techniques including
joins, colour blending, and building shapes. I will supply tapestry
bobbins and copper pipe looms, as well as providing yarns for warp and
weft. Power point presentations will be shown for inspiration, as well as
for techniques. Students should bring their own scissors, tape measures,
rulers, a large eyed blunt needle and a small spool of topstitching thread in
beige or white. Coloured pencils, drawing materials, paper, etc., would
be helpful for working out designs. If students have their own looms and
bobbins that is fine too.
The copper pipe looms and
some bobbins will be available for sale.
This 2 day
workshop will include 1 day of instruction on spinning for consistency. You will learn about fleece preparation,
twists per inch and consistent drafting and plying. The second day will be spent on adjusting
knitting patterns so you can use your wonderful hand spun yarns and you will
have the opportunity to do some crock pot dyeing.
All fees include
Instruction, accommodations and meals.
Member Non Member
5 day
= $540 $590
2 day
= $230 $280
Breakfast and lunch will be provided by host group.
meal will be catered Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
Members and non-members are welcome. Maximum group size is 12 participants. Please send a $200.00 non-refundable deposit. Please register as soon as possible. 1358@telus.net for more information.
- July 15, 2015.
Items seen at Leola's Studio, 4705 Trans Canada Hwy., Whippletree Junction, Duncan, B.C. in early March.
Items seen at Leola's Studio, 4705 Trans Canada Hwy., Whippletree Junction, Duncan, B.C. in early March.
Yarn spun by Leola at Blueberry Retreat in February. Finished shawl was featured on Facebook.
I was kindly invited to attend a Tapis Meeting at Anne's home in Victoria on April 1. It is wonderful to be in a room full of weavers, all sharing weaving and life experiences. This is a tapestry weavers' group but as you see the show and tell was not limited to tapestry. This group will meet again in September. I received a very warm welcome.
Anne's rug - random stripes.
Anne is weaving a block - a - day tapestry.
Anne's tapestry using her son's school drawing.
A sample of Anne's from an Archie Brennan workshop
Olga's weaving. Lots of suggestions on how to finish the sky.
Karen's tapestry that will have beads incorporated in the weft.
Hope everyone has plans for summer spinning and weaving projects. Keep in touch! All comments are appreciated!
Look for Peace Country Spinners and Weavers this summer. Dates and times to be announced.
- McNaught Homestead, Beaverlodge, in July.
- Dunvegan Annual Fresh Air Market, August 2 11:00-5:00.
- North Peace Fall Fair, north of Fort St. John in August.
- Hudson Hope Fall Fair in September.
- Dawson Creek.
Remember to find Peace Country Spinners and Weavers on Facebook.
Happy Spinning and Weaving! Happy Spring!